UGC moderator

How it works?

We post content to our servers, wait a bit and you will receive responses from:

  • neural networks
  • human
  • text recognition system

The response from neural networks is the probability of content belonging to one of the classes, according to the rules. You can always report a neural network or human error by tapping Wrong result button. This information can help us to improve our neural networks and rules.


We try to restrict and ban content that is inappropriate for our applications and also may be harmful to users.

Not Suitable

  • Pictures and Videos (not meme)
  • Anime and Cartoons
  • All types of nudity (erotic, sexual, etc.)
  • Drugs
  • All manifestations of hate
  • Gore & Death
  • Fake news


  • Complete porno
  • All manifestations of nazi and rasism
  • Underage
  • Spam & External Links
  • Stalking
  • Hardcore death and mutilation
  • Any images of Pepe

The Moderation System in UGC Services

How we process a colossal amount of content

Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash

The various social media channels and content sharing platforms all over the internet have paved the way for a whole new era of self-expression. Today, anyone can make videos, live stream, express themselves on social media platforms, or create content. In fact, according to a study from Comscore, when users create and share content on social media channels, they get 28% higher engagement compared to standard company posts.

But why is UGC moderation vital, and how can you approach it? Moderation is an essential part of any UGC service. Not everyone is ready to follow the services’ rules and take into account the peculiarities and interests of other users.

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Community for meme lovers and viral memes around the internet,

being one of the top 10 most popular entertainment apps in the US.